Friday, March, 28, 2025 10:37:09
The geopolitical risk monitor aims at providing accurate forecast to highly complex geopolitical risks. Stratfor, the Texas-based leading geopolitical intelligence company, has reportedly launched Geopolitical Risk Monitor (GRM) that allows its clients to gain direct insights into the call’s analysts in Stratfor are making coupled with understanding the analytical architecture behind each of these calls. Chip Harmon, President, Stratfor, was reportedly quoted stating that the company aims to provide precise forecast coupled with anticipating complex global geopolitical risks. According to Stratfor’s Chief Product Officer, Ken Maranian, with the introduction of GRM, Stratfor aims at providing a ‘one-stop-shop’ for their clients to gain a complete understanding of the intelligence picture the analysts are tracking. Additionally, the Geopolitical Risk Monitor provides clients with unrestricted access to all the calls the analysts make, scenarios and probable alternatives behind that call and the signposts and assumptions analysts are tracking across geopolitical development. The newly introduced product performs the duties of an information clearing epicenter for the clients along with facilitating direct contact the analysts, he further claimed. The clients are entitled to the following rights through the access to Geopolitical Risk Monitor:
  • Through the GRM portal, the clients can navigate to key geopolitical risk calls. These risks are arranged according to the key intelligence questions the analysts are focusing on for a given timeframe.
  • Scrutinize all the active calls within a calendar year made by the company. These calls carry concise synopsis of a scenario, alternatives, signposts, and key assumptions. These calls also contain a future event tracker, news feed and content feed linking the current and foundational Stratfor analyses into and a compiled intelligent picture for the clients.
  • To know the confidence levels the analysts are allotting to each scenario mentioned in the monitor. Thereby facilitating the clients to weigh the relative weightage they may be assigning to a certain risk but also allows exchange with the analysts to understand the points of agreement and disagreement an any topic before taking a decision based on an assessment carried out by the company.
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