Monday, March, 31, 2025 07:21:31
SpaceX has effectively changed the way how spacecraft and rockets are manufactured and launched into space. The company has revolutionized future space missions and has become an epicenter for groundbreaking innovations. However, the company is recently in talks as it could soon offer a satellite-based broadband service in the U.S. According to Gwynne Shotwell, President of SpaceX, their company is planning to provide Starlink broadband to its U.S. customers by mid-2020, but the launch is still hinged on the execution of launching enough satellites into space which would require almost six to eight missions. Reliable sources cite that the plan and price of the service has not been decided yet, but the company says that this service would be additive to SpaceX's primary business and would not act as the sole money maker for the company. Shotwell claims that the request for approval of 30,000 more satellites was misjudged by people as the company doesn’t indeed to manufacture and launch them all, instead, plans to launch considerably fewer satellites to cover the entire globe. Reportedly, Elon Musk confirmed in a recent meeting that SpaceX was examining its encrypted internet services for the U.S. Air Force aircraft. In addition to SpaceX, several other companies are also like Amazon and Alphabet are also working on rolling out their own satellite broadband services, which could eat up SpaceX’s market if the company fails to introduce its program on schedule. Apparently, Alphabet's Loon is the one program that has made some developments lately. The internet balloon has recorded more than 1 million hours in its stratospheric flight, encompassing nearly 24.9 million miles. Moreover, it has made use of AI to change its altitude and ride currents to specific destination, and encourages its balloons to stroll in a bid to provide more consistent internet access. Source Credit: