Category: Headlines
SoftBank Group has reportedly announced its plan to sell its stake in T-Mobile US, which was acquired through the merger between T-Mobile and Sprint in April.
Post this merger deal,
Dubai’s RTA (Roads & Transport Authority) has reportedly unveiled a new generation of bus shelters at 4 hotspots across the city. The bus shelters have an innovative design approved by Sheikh Mohammed bin Ras
Government authorities across Canada have been putting the best foot forward to produce more PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) kits and medical devices in response to tackle COVID-19 pandemic. A similar incident occu
The Coalition Government has recently approved a $206 million business case to upgrade the critical infrastructure at RNZAF (Royal New Zealand Air Force) Base Ohakea. The 1st phase of this critical infrastructure development project will reportedl
Uber, the renowned global ride-sharing company, has reportedly announced that it has committed a budget of $50 million to acquire and provide safety supplies to its drivers. The safety supplies would include things suc
The Chinese central bank has reportedly acquired 1% stake of HDFC, the largest mortgage company in India.
Sources familiar with the matter have stated that the PBOC (Peoples Bank of China), which holds the largest financial assets as compa
Google LLC, an American multinational technology company, is reportedly setting up 100,000 Wi-Fi points to increase broadband access in California, with 3 months of free access. The company is also offering thousands o
Twitter, an American microblogging and social networking service, has recently donated $1 million to nonprofit organizations to support reporters amid ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The total donated sum will be evenly dis
The major regulatory body for foods, drugs, and other essential commodities in the United States, FDA (Food and Drug Administration), has now updated its guidelines regarding coronavirus testing process to make this pr